Violence Threat Risk Assessment Protocol (VTRA)

The Upper Grand District School Board is committed to providing safe learning environments for all students, staff, school visitors, and community members. When a student behaves inappropriately, Principals use progressive discipline to help a student take responsibility for their actions, change their behaviour, and learn from their mistakes.

When safety is threatened by the potentially violent or dangerous behaviour of a student, which places either the student or others at risk, school staff follow specific protocols for the protection of all. It is important that parents/guardians and their child(ren) are aware of these protocols as, in times of imminent risk, they will be followed and might include, a) the immediate involvement of emergency services or supports and, b) sharing of private information.

Community Violence Threat Risk Assessment Protocol (VTRA)

This is a community-wide protocol that details the steps by which school staff quickly respond to threatening incidents, such as: possession of a weapon or replica, bomb threat or plan, verbal, written, or electronic (internet) threats to injure or kill oneself or others, or other threats of violence. The first step involves gathering the Principal/Vice Principal, Social Worker, Psychological Consultant and/or Child and Youth Counsellor and police to assess the immediate threat. If the situation is deemed one of imminent risk, the Superintendent is informed and community agencies that are part of the VTRA protocol, such as local mental health organizations, are consulted. For more information about the VTRA Protocol, please consult the Violence Threat Assessment Protocol document.

Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention Protocol

The Suicide Protocol details the steps by which school staff respond to a student at risk of suicide. The protocol details steps for responding quickly, sensitively, and effectively to ensure the student’s safety. The steps include having a trained staff member interview the student and taking the necessary steps to ensure safety and arrange appropriate support for the student. For more information about the Suicide Protocol, please consult the protocol document.

Contact with Parents and or Guardians

Parents and guardians play a vital role in maintaining the safety and well-being of their children. When a student is involved in a VTRA or Suicide Intervention protocol, every effort will be made to contact parents/guardians unless circumstances prevent us from doing so. If parents/guardians cannot be reached, or if they choose not to provide consent but a safety risk still exists, the processes outlined in the VTRA or Suicide Intervention protocols will still be followed.

As always, student safety is our first priority. If you have any questions regarding the Upper Grand District School Board Community Violence Threat Risk Assessment Protocol or Suicide Protocol, please contact the Superintendent of Education for your school at 519-822-4420.

Letter to Parents/Guardians regarding UGDSB Threat/Risk Assessment and Suicide Protocol Notification (PDF)