Environmental Reports

Broader Public Sector Energy Reporting

Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan

The Ontario Regulation 25/23 requires broader public sector organizations to submit and publish an Energy Conservation Demand Management Plan on their website on a 5-year cycle. 

The Upper Grand District School Board Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan is posted below.

Annual Energy Consumption

The Ontario Regulation 25/23 also requires broader public sector organizations to submit their annual energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission data by July 1 of the following year.

The UGDSB has published this data annually and posted it to the Boards website since the 2011-12 school year. The report has been generated using the Ministry of Energy’s reporting template.

Water Testing for Lead

As required by Ontario Regulation 243/07, Schools, Private Schools and Day Nurseries are required to carry out annual sampling and testing for lead. Records of flushing and testing for the previous six years are available online.

For information about environmental education in schools, visit the Environmental initiatives page in the Program section of this website.

Well Water Systems

There are 14 schools in our district that get their drinking water from wells. All of our other schools are on municipal water systems. In accordance with Ontario’s Drinking Water Systems Regulation (Ontario Regulation 170/03), Upper Grand’s annual reports on drink water systems are available online.