Digital Citizenship User Responsibilities

A. Responsibilities

All users are responsible for:

  • Ensuring that technology is used in accordance with Board policies and procedures

  • Complying with the school’s Code of Conduct

  • Using technology in a lawful, responsible and ethical manner consistent with the purposes for which it is provided

  • Their personal network login and password—it should not be shared with anyone other than a parent/guardian

  • Ensuring that photos, videos or images of an individual/group are not posted online/shared digitally unless consent from the individual(s)—over the age of 18—or parental consent (for those under the age of 18) has been obtained. Photos, videos or images cannot be taken using any device unless authorized

  • Demonstrating digital citizenship through the appropriate use of technology, as outlined in schools’ codes of conduct

  • Reporting any inappropriate use of email, data or unauthorized technology to a teacher or administrator immediately

  • The care, maintenance and security of their personal devices—the Board is not responsible for the replacement of lost, stolen or damaged items

B. Guiding Principles

There are five guiding principles for digital citizenship and responsibility:

  • Intended use: Board technology is provided for educational and administrative purposes. Technology should be used for these intended purposes only.

  • Security and safety of Board data: Users should take reasonable precautions to ensure that the data that they use is secure and safe. Data should be used for the intended purposes only.

  • Responsible resource usage: The Board’s technology resources are shared and limited. Users should use technology resources responsibly and should not waste resources. Personal materials should not be stored on Board property.

  • Legal compliance and adherence to Board Policies: Users are expected to comply with federal and provincial legislation, as well as Board Policies and corresponding Operating Procedures.

  • Ownership of data: Board technology and all data stored on Board technology are owned and may be accessed by the Board. Users should have no expectation of privacy in anything they create, store, send or receive using Board technology.

C.1 Intended Use

Technology is provided for educational and administrative purposes and should be used for these intended purposes only. Prohibited uses of technology include, but are not limited to:

  • Use that contravenes Board Policies and/or Operating Procedures

  • Theft of resources, including electronic data theft

  • Unauthorized access, alteration, destruction, removal and/or disclosure of data. This includes the unauthorized disclosure of Board email addresses, distribution lists, and user account information

  • Unauthorized access or disclosure of confidential information

  • Creating, displaying, storing or sending fraudulent, harassing, sexually explicit, profane, obscene, intimidating, defamatory or otherwise inappropriate or unlawful materials

  • Cyberbullying

  • Copying, downloading, transferring, renaming, adding or deleting information protected under copyright law

  • Use that could reasonably be expected to impair the Board’s computing facilities or interfere with others’ use of Board technology (e.g. viruses, spam) including the sending of electronic “chain” mail

C.2 Security and Safety of Board Data

  • Users should take reasonable precautions to ensure that data that they use is secure and safe.

  • Users are responsible for protecting and managing the accounts and passwords that provide access to data.

  • Users will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to Board technology or data nor will they attempt to disrupt or destroy data.

  • Users must comply with any security measures implemented by the Board.

  • Users will not attempt to bypass the Board’s security.

  • Users are responsible for implementing virus scanning on personally owned devices that hold or access Board technology.

  • Remote or wireless access to Board resources is only permitted through the Board’s approved infrastructure.

C.3 Responsible Resource Usage

The Board’s technology resources are shared and limited. Users should use technology resources responsibly and should not waste resources. As such, the Board reserves the right to limit any activity that consumes a high level of resources that may impact Board services or other users. Examples of shared resources include file storage, network bandwidth, and Internet access.

Access to internet websites and services that significantly impact the Board internet or network performance will be limited. Users are not permitted to circumvent the Board’s network security.

C.4 Legal Compliance and Adherence to Board Policies

Users are expected to comply with all federal and provincial laws and regulations (e.g. Criminal Code, Education Act, Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Copyright Act). The storage of unlawful materials on Board property is strictly prohibited. Board resources may not be used in any manner to create, store, send, display or make available to others material that contravenes federal or provincial laws or regulations.

C.5 Expectation of Privacy

Board technology resources and all data stored on Board technology are owned and may be accessed by the Board. Data stored on Board technology, including email, electronic files, and information in computer systems, is Board property and may be reviewed, monitored and accessed by authorized individuals, as needed.

Users should not expect privacy with respect to any of their activities when using the Board’s computer and/or telecommunication property, board’s network and internet connectivity. Use of passwords or account numbers by users does not create a reasonable expectation of privacy and confidentiality of information being maintained or transmitted. The Board reserves the right to review, retrieve, read and disclose any files, messages or communications that are created, sent, received or stored on the Board’s computer systems and/or equipment.

Information stored on personally owned devices is the responsibility of the device owner/user. However, personally owned devices that are used for creating, displaying, storing or sending fraudulent, harassing, sexually explicit, profane, obscene, intimidating, defamatory or otherwise inappropriate or unlawful materials that impact school climate will result in a full investigation and necessary action will be taken, where appropriate.

D. Digital citizenship

Students live and work in a world where people are connected to their devices at all times so they need to learn to use technology effectively and respectfully. Digital responsibility is an important part of what the Board helps students learn in school.

Students will see teachers incorporate digital resources into their lessons. Educational online resources will be able to be accessed wirelessly through the Board’s networks. As such, students will be encouraged to BYOD—Bring Your Own Device. When relevant to curriculum and instruction, teachers will permit the use of any personal electronic device as a classroom learning device.

Students will also be able to access educational resources using their personal devices outside the classroom, in libraries, cafeterias and other common areas. By accessing the internet while on UGDSB property or by logging in with a Board login, students accept all terms and conditions of the UGDSB network and internet use, as well as the terms outlined in this document.

E. Consequences: Remedial and Disciplinary Action

Individuals who do not comply with this document will be subject to appropriate consequences consistent with the school Code of Conduct, progressive discipline and Safe Schools legislation. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, the following, either singularly or in combination depending on the individual circumstances:

  • Limitations being placed on access privileges to personal and Board technology resources

  • Suspension of access privileges to personal and Board technology resources

  • Revocation of access privileges to personal and Board technology resources

  • Appropriate disciplinary measures (staff), up to and including dismissal

  • Appropriate progressive discipline measures (students) within Bill 212 (Progressive Discipline and School Safety)

  • Legal action and prosecution by the relevant authorities