Who is Eligible?

As ministry-approved courses, Dual Credits are a way for Grade 12 students, while still in high school, to earn a credit towards their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) while sampling college or apprenticeship industry-specific courses.

Entry to dual credit programs is guided by the Student Success Team. Students may indicate their interest in the program on their course selection sheets, or they may be recommended for the program by school staff.
Student Success teams then evaluate the suitability of those students based on the criteria below and any other criteria specific to the college program.

Photo of Staff

Dual credit programs are aimed at students who fall into one of the three following categories:

  1. students who face significant challenges in completing the requirements for graduation. This group includes disengaged and underachieving students who have the potential to succeed, but are at risk of not graduating, and students who left school before graduating. These students are the primary focus of dual credit programs;

  2. students in Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) programs;

  3. students in the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP).

Evidence that a Student has the Potential to Succeed

The student:

  • has completed most or all compulsory credits;

  • can potentially graduate within one year (e.g., has between 22-29 credits) if provided support;

  • demonstrates that issues that were previously preventing success have been or are being addressed;

  • demonstrates interest in and commitment to the dual credit program;

  • is motivated to improve skills and work habits;

  • demonstrates evidence of independent learning skills;

  • demonstrates an appropriate maturity level;

  • if he or she previously left school and has since returned, demonstrates progress in courses in the first semester, which will enable him or her to start a dual credit program in the second semester

  • demonstrates progress, maturity, motivation, or skills in activities outside the school setting.

For success in dual credit college courses, the student should:

  • have had some success in college preparation courses.

For success in Level 1 apprenticeship in-school programs, the student should:

  • have a strong interest in a specific trade;

  • have related work or volunteer experience;

  • have had success in a cooperative education program