Info for Employers

The goal of co-operative education is to introduce students to the reality of the workplace through hands-on training. Through community placements, students have an incredible opportunity to explore career options.

Under your company’s guidance, students gain valuable insight that they can utilize to make the career decision that is right for them.

Employers’ Role

  • Provide detailed job description for our Employer Database

  • Interview the student – or several students if competitive placements exist

  • Designate one or more employees to be responsible for supervising and evaluating student

  • Provide an orientation and all necessary health and safety training

  • Provide an environment free from discrimination and harassment

  • Meet with the teacher to complete or review the Placement Assessment Checklist (safety review)

  • Work with the teacher to develop and evaluate student’s learning plan at the placement

  • Complete 2 or 3 job performance appraisals for the students

Workplace Safety and Insurance

  • Students are covered by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) for the agreed co-op hours at placement

  • WSIB coverage outside the agreed hours is the employer’s responsibility

  • If placement hours vary, an adjustment to hours form must be completed

  • Students should not be required to drive vehicles while in co-op (if a company requests that students operate company vehicles, the company assumes responsibility for coverage)

  • The school board’s insurance policy covers liability to employer property

Information About Students

  • Minimum age for co-op students is 14

  • Students and employers MUST follow the minimum age restrictions as set out under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) to visit or work in specific types of workplaces

  • Travel arrangements to and from the placement are the responsibility of students

  • At the placement, students are expected to conduct themselves as employees of the company

    • If problems arise and persist, employers, as a last resort, have the option to terminate students

    • If terminated, students may lose co-op credits

  • Students are expected to abide by the placement dress code and maintain confidentiality